Tuesday 13 September 2016

Beating the pickpocket at his own game: How to handle a criminal

I have heard of smart ways to deal with tricksters and people who aren't straightforward. Today, I heard of another means to deal with, this time not a trickster but, a pickpocket.
Lexi, a very dear friend of mine is fond of leaving money in his back pockets even when he was in a very busy area. I wondered why he was never worried about being stolen from on the streets. I decided to ask him his reason and his reply sounded very funny at first but when I pondered on it, it seemed impractical but sensible. If you've ever lost money to a pickpocket and you need to teach one of them a lesson. Here is Lexi's suggestion:
Put the money in your back pocket, but in such a way that its obvious yet will seem carefully kept, make sure you do this in a street where the residents over react or are highly sensitive to issues. Most important of all, be alert lest you fall prey to pickpocketing a second time.As soon as you notice him/her, just let them have the moment and let them move towards your back pocket, then raise an alarm. Rule 3: do not let go of the pickpocket for any reason except he has a knife with him. Then, you make a claim that money was already missing from your pocket. Hopefully, he will have money on him, if not, he will get a good beating.  You might consider it wrong because you are making false accusations but to kill a beast, you have to be a beast plus he did want to steal from you.
Lastly, don't expect your chance to "revenge" to come immediately. You've got to persist in putting your money at stake until you finally have "your day in court".
                                                                                                               Yours, Lexi

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