Monday 12 September 2016

Wagers and bets: an analogy of the devil giving with one hand and taking back with the other?

 Have you ever experienced a situation where you scored or won in an activity/competition and the monetary prize you were given was squandered in a jiffy on nothing tangible. In fact, you cannot place your finger on what you might have used it for. I am beginning to think there's a lot more to lose than what's gained in bets.
Honestly, I haven't met or heard of anyone who won a bet, invested and profited from it, either its spent on celebrating with friends over the win or channeled back into betting again.
A recent incident of an acquaintance got me wondering how genuine betting profits are. Cheta won an estimate of 300,000 naira from BetNaija about 2 months ago, partied with his friends with some of the money.In this economy meltdown, that's great news. I was so happy for him until I heard two days ago that he has been avoiding many people. I felt it was because a lot of people clung to him as a result of what he earned but that wasn't the case rather he owed money and could not pay back. To some, he owed ten thousand, five thousand and to others two to three thousand naira. And the question I have been asking myself is "what did Cheta do with all that money? Yes, three hundred thousand is not too huge a sum but its enough to last a frugal student, whose parents still provide for him, for more than two months. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that he had used the money for a noble cause but i had a stronger instinct that it was squandered as it always is. Could bet wins be the proverbial case of the devil giving with one hand and taking back with the other?

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