Monday 12 September 2016


I remember how difficult it was for my siblings to choose between biscuits and sweets when asked to, in childhood. Well, my friend T experienced the same thing not long ago but in an entirely different situation. You see, T had two great male friends,Utom was doting and kind, she met him first and then there was Mr E, the cute, smart and confident one that T couldn't resist. Eventually, she decided to date Mr E. T knew being so close to the two guys would affect either of the relationships/friendships but she couldn't cut things a little with Utom. He made her feel safe, he was always there for her but Mr E made her laugh,he made her happy,he influence her positively so selfish T would run to Utom when her relationship with Mr E wasn't smooth, instead of sorting out issues with Mr E and she would run back to her "boyfriend" when things were rosy. Like the saying goes, you can't eat your cake and have it. T's confidence that she always had an option came to a rocky bottom when she cut things off with Mr E. Since she was always running to comfort, she never tried to smoothen the edges of her relationship and it became thorny. She quit and turned to Utom but Mr E was her spark, not having him around made her more egocentric. There was only so much Utom could take, he felt he was being used and he started withdrawing....The bad thing is T didn't learn her lesson.
Lesson: like two sides of a coin, you cannot have the head and the tail at a time. One must give way

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