Biafra is loved and so is Nigeria. All the ndigbo want is peace, rest of mind and recognition and it doesn't seem like it will be gotten in a country that has enjoyed the patriotism of Igbos for over 50 years. It is saddening that no headway can be made and it must come to this secession. What is more saddening however, is that, while some people are fighting in sweat and blood for this "sun to rise", to see the day the easterners will finally have a republic that is truly theirs, there are others who have ulterior motives for agitating for the land of the rising sun not necessarily because the fight for Biafra is important to them rather, that it can be used as a political strategy to satisfy their own selfish interests. Our world, today, is governed by selfishness. Humans who use and exploit other humans to fulfil their desires. In this situation, humans are taking advantage of a supposedly pure cause.
There are chants of Biafra, praise chants but some of these praise singers are struggling to secure political offices in the Nigerian nation. Some are aspirants of positions that they plan to occupy after the 2019 elections. Biafra has become a source of leverage and threat. Requests are made before those in power by some of these " Biafrans" that certain conditions in their personal interests be met. Should these conditions be met, alliance will shift and they shall stand for the sun no more.
Sometime ago, I was in the optical department of a hospital in Abuja and this influential looking Alhaji walked in. Somehow, the conversation that ensued between him and the Hausa doctor involved me. The subject matter of the conversation was Biafra and Nigeria and as I explained to him reasons why I believed Biafra will succeed, he laughed and said " Can you not see? Your brothers are fighting for our lands in Abuja, how can they be fighting for the land of Biafra, they haven't been given lands, once they get what they want, there will be no noise about Biafra".
Claims are made that the choice is Biafra yet amnesty is still sought after, by the same people who make these claims ,from the country they plan to secede from. I am anything but experienced in matters of such but isn't amnesty granted to those who have allegedly wronged the nation, therefore Biafra is yet to be officially existent and it is already considered a wrong to be pardoned of. Why seek amnesty from a nation you no longer want to be part of?
Is the republic of Biafra, the goal of the Ndigbo or a weapon intended as a hanging threat to the Nigerian government so that some selfish people can have their desires granted? The Biafran objective has to be stated clearly if the true Biafrans ever want this journey we have embarked on to take us to the promised land, the land of the rising Sun.
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