Monday 26 September 2016

Tradition and its conflict with the modern world

Modern theories, modern laws seem to have occupied the position of our traditional laws. Certain values which were upheld in the past aren't these days partly because these traditional values were seen as archaic and also due to the awareness that the modern replacements of these laws are easier to observe. Can tradition be totally erased from our activities and daily life and modern values in full control or will there be continuous clashes between the two as is reared often? An incident jolted me back to the realization that tradition still holds great influence.
A certain system that most people assume to have long been abolished yet families who were marked/marred by this traditional system have many limits especially when it comes to social interactions like marriages. A young man was ready to get married and when he sought the lady of his interest, he was asked to come back after enquiries had been made of his background. On his return, to his utter dismay, his marriage proposal was declined on grounds that were tolerable but when the lady and this man she wanted to be her husband would not relent in their choice to be with each other, she was told eventually, the reason she couldn't marry the young man. He was of a lineage that were characterized by seclusion from other indigenes of a place by certain cultural norms. In other words, no contact or social relation is to be made with this ostracised people else their curse becomes yours. Though, we claim to have come very far in enlightenment, it was astonishing to find that a good number of people still abide by that traditional law of "discrimination", the exact word we preach against today, although we are in a modern world. Some native towns allow interaction with these people but decline relation with them on serious issues while others strictly maintain a no-contact with them. Its not declared publicly, it is, after all, an "abolished" law.
Has tradition given way when our cultural diversity still cause clashes between us, towns, villages, hamlets under the same cultural region are at war or cease from communication simply because their traditional and cultural norms differ. Its a single modern nation but there is a tribalistic war because tradition and cultural elements like language differ us.
People still observe certain traditional rites like the traditional marriage, the cultural festivals. Tradition has caused a lot of constraints for women and those limits are still revered today. "A woman cannot have a land in her hometown, it is tradition" , "A man must build a house on his land in the village", " dowries and bride prices must be paid before two people are considered married, it is tradition".
Many people of this "modern" era often face perplexity trying to uphold some cultural values especially when it counters the neo- culture and their modern beliefs, religious or otherwise. Whereas there are others who try to balance both, sometimes, imperfectly and call it "Giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God, what belongs to Him.

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