Monday 12 September 2016

Our superficial views

 In this present day, when everyone is looking for financial security and the quick ways to make money, people attribute everything to be effected by money. No one believes there can be other genuine reasons for taking particular actions other than finance as is the case of a certain bride who absconded from her wedding.
She had been dating this man who happened to be working at Chevron for a significant period. Chevron is a well known oil company and most of its employees are known for their huge salaries. Their courtship eventually led to a marriage proposal. On her wedding day, this bride eventually finds out that her knight in shining armour does not work with Chevron, that in fact he has no job at all. The bride leaves him at the altar. People's opinion of the lady is that she is money-driven. Someone asked "what if the man was an employee in a more renowned company than Chevron, for instance, Microsoft Inc, and he lied about it and claimed he worked at the oil company, would the bride leave him at the altar? We exist in a world where honesty is still valued by some people, no matter how few in number they are. I believe that the bride's reason for absconding had little or no relation with his finance rather she couldn't forgive his dishonesty and lies. A man who would lie about his job and financial status will lie about any other thing if the need arises .My question is " why would any mentally fit man who works under a bigger corporation or organization claim a lower but reputable corporation.
Sometimes, we all should try to think better of others, have good opinions of them, give them the benefit of the doubt especially when we know nothing of their charisma like the "poor" bride.

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